Exodus Blood In Blood Out

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Blood In Blood OutExodus

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Exodus - Blood In Blood Out Sevimli musiqi siyahısına əlavə edildi!
Exodus - Blood In Blood Out Sevimli musiqi siyahısından silindi!
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Exodus Blood In Blood Out Mahnı sözləri

We're throwing down the gauntlet
Chomping at the bit about to lay down the law
Show you all the way
Bare witness to genesis
Of the violence the way it was back in the day.
We've been here from the start with a one track mind,
We kept the hate alive.
Always had the power, now is zero hour,
Tonight we're gonna fight like it's 1985.
Blood in, blood out,
All I'm telling you is do anything you wanna do
Blood in, blood out,
This is a ****ing dynasty of trash notoriety.
Dive in or bow out,
If you have the pedigree, welcome to the family.
All in or all out,
Half way, no way. Give it all you've got!
We wrote the book, so you better know the plot
New breed, old creed
Let's see what you brought.
This shit has turned into a rout
Blood in, blood out.
Stand tall, show you've got no backbone.
Welcome all who never took more than gave
Punish all deceptions, no exceptions
Fortune always favors the brave
Bring your anger,
Bring the mayhem,
Anything you do is allowed.
You're the kings of pit insanity
Tonight we're gonna rage and make Paul Baloff proud.
Blood in, blood out,
All I'm telling you is do anything you wanna do
Blood in, blood out,
This is a ****ing dynasty of trash notoriety.
Dive in or bow out,
If you have the pedigree, welcome to the family.
All in or all out,
Half way, no way. Give it all you've got!
We wrote the book, so you better know the plot
New breed, old creed
Let's see what you brought.
This shit has turned into a rout
Blood in, blood out.
We're bringing down the thunder
Bottling the light, battering the way
Burning down the place
Our one stance, zero tolerance
Time to cut to the chase
We expect nothing less than a full scale riot
Give everything that you've got
Put an end to the peace and quiet
Let's start the pit that time forgot.
Blood in, blood out,
All I'm telling you is do anything you wanna do
Blood in, blood out,
This is a ****ing dynasty of trash notoriety.
Dive in or bow out,
If you have the pedigree, welcome to the family.
All in or all out,
Half way, no way. Give it all you've got!
We wrote the book, so you better know the plot
New breed, old creed
Let's see what you brought.
This shit has turned into a rout
Blood in, blood out.

Exodus- Blood In Blood Out mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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