Eminem Puke

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Eminem Puke Mahnı sözləri

Eminem Puke Şarkı Sözleri
You don't know how sick you make me 
You make me fuckin' sick to my stomach 
Every time I think of you, I puke 
You must just not know--whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa 
You may not think you do, but you do 
Every time I think of you (i puke) 
I was gonna take the time to sit down and write you a little poem 
But off of the dome would probably be a little more, 
more suitable for this type of song--whoa 
I got a million reasons off the top of my head that I could think of 
Sixteen bars, just ain't enough to put some ink ta 
So fuck it, I'ma start right here i'll just be brief-a 
Bout to rattle off some other reasons 
I knew I shouldn't go and get another tattoo of you 
On my arm, but what do I go and do 
I go and get another one, now I got two 
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh 
Now I'm sittin' here with your name on my skin 
I can't believe I went and did this stupid shit again 
My next girlfriend, now her name's gotta be Kim 
If you only knew how much I hated you 
For every motherfuckin' thing you ever put us through 
Then I wouldn't be standing here crying over you 
You don't know how sick you make me 
You make me fuckin' sick to my stomach 
Every time I think of you, I puke 
You must just not know--whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa 
You may not think you do, but you do 
Every time I think of you (i puke) 
I was gonna take the time to sit down and write you a little letter 
But I thought a song would probably be a little better 
Instead of a letter 
That you'd probably just shred up--yeah 
I stumbled on your picture yesterday and it made me stop and think of 
How much of a waste it'd be for me to put some ink ta, a stupid piece a 
Paper, I'd rather let you see how 
Much I fuckin' hate you in a freestyle 
You're a fuckin' cokehead slut, I hope you fuckin' die 
I hope you get to hell and Satan sticks a needle in your eye 
I hate your fuckin' guts, you fuckin' slut--I hope you die 
But please don't get me wrong, I'm not bitter or mad 
It's not that I still love you, it's not 'cause I want you back 
It's just that when I think of you, it makes me wanna yak 
What else can I do, I haven't got a clue 
Now I guess I'll just move on, I have no choice but to 
But every time I think of you, now all I wanna do 
Is pu-uu-uu-uu-uu-uu-uke 
You don't know how sick you make me 
You make me fuckin' sick to my stomach 
Every time I think of you, I puke 
You must just not know--whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa 
You may not think you do, but you do 
Every time I think of you, I puke


eminem puke

Eminem- Puke mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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