Eminem My 1st Single

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My 1st SingleEminem

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Eminem My 1st Single Mahnı sözləri

Eminem My 1st Single Şarkı Sözleri
Shady's the lable 
Aftermath is the stable 
That the horses come out erra 
Of course we're about to stir up 
Some shit ?? Mix water with syrup 
It's the mr. picked on Christopher Reeves 
Just for no reason other than the just to tease him 
Cause he was as big as ?? He used to be Superman 
Now we're pourin liquor on the crib in his name for him 
Eminem you wait till' we meet up again 
Fucker I'm kickin your ass for everything you've ever said 
It's one for the money two for the fuckin show 
Ready get set, let's go 
Here comes the ?? stompin and stampedin up the damn street 
Like them buffalo soldiers, I told ya I'm bout' to blow 
So look out below, geronimo, motherfuckers is dominos 
I'm on a roll, around and around I go 
When will I stop? I don't know 
Tryna pick up where the Eminem Show left off 
But I know anything's possible 
Though I'm not gonna top what I sold 
I'm at the top of my game 
That shit is not gonna change 
Long as I got Dr. Dre on my team 
I'll get away with murder 
I'm O.J. he's like my cock from the day 
We keep the mark from the tapes 
In a safe, locked them away 
Better watch what you say 
Just when you thought you were safe 
Them fuckers got you on tape 
You swear to god you was playin 
Whether or not you was little Joshua 
Gosh I wish I coulda told you to not do the same 
Cause one day it could cost you your name 
And this was supposed to be my first single 
But I just fucked that up so, 
Fuck it, let's all have fun let's mingle 
Slap a bitch and smack a ho 
This was supposed to be my catchy little jingle 
That you hear on your radio 
But shit's about to hit the shingle 
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh No 
erra Oh Ah 
erra Oh Ah 
erra Oh Ah 
erra Oh Oh Ah Ah 
Oh Ah Oh Ah 
Oh Ah Oh Ah 
Poo Poo Ca Ca Erra Erra Eric swallowed some generic sleeping pills 
And woke up in bed next to his best friend Derick bare naked 
chicka chicka chicka .. 
And then just turned 16 and used a fake id 
To sneak in V.I.P. to see R. Kelly 
Hehehehehe, to be so young and naive 
Oh what I wouldn't give to live so Kim and care free 
Paris and Nikki's parents must be so tickled to cherish 
Every picture with their kids with hickeys all over their necks 
Hickory Dickory derr digga 
Look at me work wizardry with these words 
Am I a jerk or just jerk chicken 
Or Chicka chicka chicka chicka jer jer jerkin the chain 
22 jerks and a jerk circle 
Or is it a circle jerk or wait a minute 
What am I sayin, allow me to run it back and rewind it 
rrrbb lemme ask you again 
Am I just jerkin the chain 
Am I bizerk or insane 
Or am I just one of them damn amateurs 
Workin the damn camera filmin one of them 
Paris Hilton home made pornos 
Who keeps tiltin the lens at an angle 
Chicka Chicka 
Just recently somebody just discovered 
Britney and Justin videotapes of them fuckin 
When they were just mouseketeers in the Mickey Mouse club 
And dusted them and went straight to The Source with them 
Cause they coulda sworn someone said Nuh- 
And then tried to erase and record over it 
But if you listen close enough to it you can hear the 
Uh Uh and then the come-to-find-out-it-was-Justin 
Sayin 'I'm done-uh!' 
Come on this was 
supposed to be my first single 
But I just fucked that up so, 
Fuck it, let's all have fun let's mingle 
Slap a bitch and smack a ho 
This was supposed to be my catchy little jingle 
That you hear on your radio 
But shit's about to hit the shingle 
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh No 
erra Oh Ah 
erra Oh Ah 
erra Oh Ah 
erra Oh Oh Ah Ah 
Oh Ah Oh Ah 
Oh Ah Oh Ah 
Poo Poo Ca Ca 
Any opinions or somethin you just wanna get off your chest 
And address it about my lyrics I'd love to hear it 
All you gotta do is pick up the phone and just dial up this number 
It's 1-800-I'm a dick sucker I love to suck a dick 
And if someone picks up you can talk all the shit you want about me 
Just type in your number back and follow it by the pound key 
And I'll be sure to get back 
As soon as there comes a day that I fall out with Dre 
Wake up gay, make up with Ray (Hey!) 
So fuck a chicken, lick a chicken, suck a chicken, 
Beat a chicken, eat a chicken like it's a big cock(?) bawka-bi-kaw 
Or suck a dick, and lick a dick and eat a dick 
And stick a dick in your mouth 
I'm done you can fuck off 
fucka-fucka-fuck offf!  
And this was supposed to be my first single 
But I just fucked that up so, 
Fuck it, let's all have fun let's mingle 
Slap a bitch and smack a ho 
This was supposed to be my catchy little jingle 
That you hear on your radio 
But shit's about to hit the shingle 
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh No 
erra Oh Ah 
erra Oh Ah 
erra Oh Ah 
erra Oh Oh Ah Ah 
Oh Ah Oh Ah 
Oh Ah Oh Ah 
Poo Poo Ca Ca


eminem 1st single

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