Dua Lipa feat Sean Paul-No Lie

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feat Sean Paul-No LieDua Lipa

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Dua Lipa - feat Sean Paul-No Lie Sevimli musiqi siyahısına əlavə edildi!
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Dua Lipa feat Sean Paul-No Lie Mahnı sözləri

Feel your eyes, they all over me
Don't be shy, take control of me
Get the vibe it's gonna be lit tonight
Baby girl yuh a carry ten ton a fatness gimme some a dat
Pink sweetie badness, look how she hot
She a black goddess, but tell her don't stop
It's a good piece of mentals under the cap
Hot piece of gear, mami love how you talk
Watching every step, I dip upon what you got
Stayin' in my brain, I'm 'membering all the touch?
And my aim is to give you this love
Hypnotic the way you move
Let me acknowledge the way you do
And I would not lie or play you
Beam me up like Scottie
It's so hypnotic, the way you move
That's why I wanted to get to you
And I would not lie, complain to you
Pull so hypnotic
gyal we never miss
Feel your eyes, they all over me
Don't be shy, take control of me
Get the vibe, it's gonna be lit tonight
Gyal we never miss, gyal we never miss (no lie, no lie)
Hypnotized, pull another one
It's alright, I know what you want
Get the vibe, it's gonna be lit tonight
Gyal we never miss, gyal we never miss (no lie)
Feels how we do it (no lie)
It's always how we do it (no lie)
Feels how we do it
It's gonna be lit tonight (no lie)
Feels how we do it (no lie)
It's always how we do it (no lie)
Feels how we do it
It's gonna be lit tonight (no lie)
I'm so lit, so lit, my girl
So let me see you roll it, roll it, my girl
I love it when you bend and fold it, now let me bone it
And let me own it, my girl
Give you all the style that I have mustered
I say what, baby girl, that's my word
Give you the good lovin' that is preferred
You deserve it, so don't be scared
It's hypnotic, the way you move
Let me acknowledge the way you do
And I would not lie or play you
Beam me up like Scottie
It's so hypnotic, the way you move
That's why I wanted to get to you
And I would not lie, complain to you
Pull so hypnotic
gyal we never miss
Feel your eyes, they all over me
Don't be shy, take control of me
Get the vibe, it's gonna be lit tonight
Gyal we never miss, gyal we never miss (no lie)
Hypnotized, pull another one
It's alright, I know what you want
Get the vibe, it's gonna be lit tonight
Gyal we never miss, gyal we never miss (no lie)
Feels how we do it (no lie)
It's always how we do it (no lie)
Feels how we do it
It's gonna be lit tonight (no lie)
Feels how we do it (no lie)
It's always how we do it (no lie)
Feels how we do it
It's gonna be lit tonight (no lie)
Shake that body, let me see you just do it
Girl hundred percent (no lie)
Move that body, let me see you just do it
Girl go on represent (no lie)
Shake that body, let me see you just do it
To the fullest extent (no lie)
Move that body, let me see you just do it
Girl, you're magnificent (no lie)
Feel your eyes, they're all over me
Don't be shy, take control of me
Get the vibe, it's gonna be lit tonight
Gyal we never miss, gyal we never miss (no lie)
Hypnotized, pull another one
It's alright, I know what you want
Get the vibe, it's gonna be lit tonight
Gyal we never miss, gyal we never miss (no lie)
Feels how we do it (no lie)
It's always how we do it (no lie)
Feels how we do it
It's gonna be lit tonight (no lie)
Feels how we do it (no lie)
It's always how we do it (no lie)
Feels how we do it
It's gonna be lit tonight (no lie)
Türkçe diline çevir

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Bizim melody.az musiqi saytimiz Dua Lipa- feat Sean Paul-No Lie mp3 indir - mp3 yukle mp3 mahnisini onlayn dinləyə və ya pulsuz və qeydiyyatsız yükləmək imkanı verir. Həm xarici, həm də yerli sənətkarların əsərlərini yerləşdiririk. Sevdiyiniz popular mp3 mahnıları özünüz əlavə edə və ya artıq yüklənmiş popular mp3 mahnılardan öz çalğı siyahılarınızı yarada bilərsiniz.

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