Darin Before I Pass Out

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Before I Pass OutDarin

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Darin - Before I Pass Out Sevimli musiqi siyahısına əlavə edildi!
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Darin Before I Pass Out Mahnı sözləri

Party time, yeah
Darin, Lil Jon
Let’s see if you can keep up with us drinking tonight

It’s getting late
But damn, it’s getting harder to leave
The more I drink
The prettier she gets to me

I’m saying one shot, two shots, three shots, four
Tell the DJ turn it up just a little more
Turn up the bass, the music is intoxicating
Woah-oh, yeah

I know when I’ve had enough
Think I might have had too much
Maybe I should slow it down
Before I, ‘fore I, ‘fore I

Before I pass out, out, out
Before I pass out, out, out
Before I pass out, out, out
Before I pass out, out, out
(Let’s go)

It’s getting late
But damn it’s getting harder to leave
The more I drink
The sexier she gets to me

I’m saying one shot, two shots, three shots, four
Tell the DJ turn it up just a little more
Turn up the bass, the music is intoxicating
Woah-oh, yeah (Let’s go)

I know when I’ve had enough
Think I might have had too much
Maybe I should slow it down
Before I, ‘fore I, ‘fore I

Before I pass out, out, out
Before I pass out, out, out
Before I pass out, out, out
Before I pass out, out, out
(Here we go)

Got sick, hey
Bottles on deck, deck
Put your drinks up
If you love having sex

We got trays full of shots
Done holler from the block
Now make some fucking noise
‘Cause this party don’t stop

It’s your birthday, hey
It’s your birthday
Gimme, gimme shots
We gon’ party like your birthday

Sexy girl, I wanna slay your body girl
You so cray, Damn I’m in
You ma fay
That’s one thing I gotta say

I know when I’ve had enough (Hey)
Think I might have had too much (Too much)
Maybe I should slow it down (Slow it down)
Before I, ‘fore I, ‘fore I (Yeah baby)
(Before I pass out)

When I’ve had enough (Hey)
Think I might have had too much (Too much)
Maybe I should slow it down (Slow it down)
Before I, ‘fore I, ‘fore I

Before I pass out, out, out
Before I pass out, out, out
Before I pass out, out, out
Before I pass out, out, out

Pour me another one, motherfucker
Ha ha ha ha


darin before pass out

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