D Block Europe Pain Game

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Pain GameD Block Europe

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D Block Europe - Pain Game Sevimli musiqi siyahısına əlavə edildi!
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D Block Europe Pain Game Mahnı sözləri

It's days like this when I, yeah
It's days like this when I think 'bout the past
I got pain on my mind, I got questions to ask
All these drugs on my soul, man, they tear me apart
It's days like this when I think 'bout the past
Eight thousand for drip and that is just minimum
My Roley is brown, I call it the cinnamon
For this love, I'll be buying you everything
I'm on codeine, can't think about anything
I sip on this drink, it's my medicine
We go straight to Dior and buy many things
These drugs go straight to my face
Off-White tags dropping on my laces
Pussy so sweet, it's amazing
Fuck you in the trap, go crazy
Leather look cream like pastry
Killers still hiding their faces
They still got Goddy on basic
And I still spend twenty on trainers
And I still spill drink when I'm faded
And I still think your pussy is amazing
I just spent a hundred thou on Ranges
They think that it's rented but girl, I paid it
No, that ain't cap for sure
Bro got the pack from north
He got the wap, of course
Bro got the wap for sure so he moving paranoid
Slime, slatt with my slime 'cause he bring the packs back
Taking time with my mind, I'm off the Xanax
Coming up for it lil' slime, she going bye bye
He said he got bricks of the shine but nigga, we know that it's rap cap
How do you feel? How do you feel when you can buy love?
How do you feel? How do you feel when you run out of love?
Said that I would hit her, now I'm on pills, taking this muck
Girl, I got codeine in my lungs
More time, more time, more time, more time
Speak about the drugs 'cause I came from a poor life
More time, more time, more time, more time
Speak about the cup and I show you what a four like
I can show you more life, show you what Dior like
I wanna show life, girl, it's your life, yeah
More time, more time, more time
Crack and heroin, sell it by the shoreside
More time, more time, more time
She just wanna see what Dior like
Frontline, frontline, frontline, frontline
I was there with the fiends
Moss Side, Moss Side, Moss Side, Moss Side
Where I bought good B
She told to the jakes, that's intelligence
Say please, a rosily, when I reminisce
Baby girl, who you fuck, that's irrelevant
Look at my ring and she told me I'm devilish
Told me your ex wasn't leveling, I took her out of the country and showed her some better things
Now she humming and ahh-ing like she got a speech impediment
She be in LA for the month and she told me I shouldn't mix Perc with the lean
Percocets ready, she look in my face and she said "I think you should go clean"
Homicide, homicide, homicide, homicide, they ain't ever making a nigga mummy cry
Prescrip-prescrip-prescrip-prescription, I'm on a ride
More time, more time, more time, more time
Speak about the drugs 'cause I came from a poor life
More time, more time, more time, more time
Speak about the cup and I show you what a four like
I can show you more life, show you what Dior like
I wanna show life, girl, it's your life, yeah

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