Burna Boy Monsters You Made (feat Chris Martin)

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Monsters You Made (feat Chris Martin)Burna Boy

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Burna Boy Monsters You Made (feat Chris Martin) Mahnı sözləri

If the government refused to develop the region
And continue, the marginalization and injustice
The youth that's what coming after us
And it will be more brutal, than what we have done
Calling me a monster, calling us fake
No way, no way, no way
Calling me a monster, just 'cause we said
We're from the block where it rains
Where we create barricades
Keep opposition away
That's why we are strapped with the K's
Don't get kidnapped from your place
'Cause it could happen today
Not knowing how to behave
That is a sign that you make
Just lose your life what a waste
Your body found in a lake
You fucked around
And the fisherman found you drowning for days
You know we come from a place
Where people smile but it's fake
How could they smile?
If you look around they are surrounded by pain
I've seen the sky turn to grey
It took the light from the day
It's like the heads of the state
Ain't comprehending the hate
That the oppressed generate
When they've been working like slaves
To get some minimum wage
You turn around and you blame
Them for their anger and rage
Put them in shackles and chains
Because of what they became
We are the monsters you made
Calling me a monster, calling us fake
You make the Minotaur, the dinosaur wake
Calling me a monster, just 'cause we said
No way, no way, no way
Calling me a monster, make no mistake
That there's only so much that you can take
La-di-da, doo-di-da-di-doo-day
We are the monsters you made
I bet they thought it was cool
Probably thought we was fools
When we would break all the rules
And skip them classes in school
Because the teacher dem teaching
What the white man dem teaching
dem European teachings in my African school
So fuck dem classes in school
Fuck Mungo Park and the fools
That said they found river Niger
They've been lying to you
Ain't no denying the truth
See what I'm tryin' to do
Is draw the line for the mothers cryin'
we're dying as youths
Come walk a mile in my shoes
See if you smile at the truth
See if you digest your food
That's when you might have a clue
Of what the fuck we go through
Your fucking lucky if you
Live through the day, better pray
that God always staying with you
Ain't fucking safe any day
the reaper'll be coming for you
We need a change and it ain't no way
I'ma take an excuse
My niggas finding a way
Or fucking smile in the grave
This is the price that you pay
We are the monsters you made
Calling me a monster, calling us fake
You make the Minotaur, the dinosaur wake
Calling me a monster, just 'cause we said
No way, no way, no way
Calling me a monster, make no mistake
That there's only so much that you can take
La-di-da, doo-di-da-di-doo-day
We are the monsters you made
Since we met your people five hundred years ago
Look at us, we have given everything
You are still taking
In exchange for that, we have got nothing, nothing
And you know it
But you just think that this is over now?
Over where? Is it over?

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