BTS We Are Bulletproof

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We Are BulletproofBTS

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BTS We Are Bulletproof Mahnı sözləri

BTS - We Are Bulletproof Sözleri

[Hook: RM]

(What) Give it to me

(What) Be nervous

(What) The one to end it all

(What) We are bulletproof

We are bulletproof


[Verse 1: Jungkook, Suga]

The name is Jungkook, my scale is nationwide

I pulled all-nighters at practice rooms

Instead of school, dancing and singing

While you guys partied

I gave up sleep for my dreams

I spent all night holding a pen

Closing my eyes only after the morning sun rises

My limit was broken in the

Double standards and many oppositions

But I got lucky and was contacted by an agencyAll you who are called rappers because you can’t sing

The rapper title is an extravagance for you

[Pre-Chorus: V]

Everywhere I go, everything I do

I will show you, as much as I sharpened my sword

To all the people who looked down on me

(Oh oh oh oh oh oh) Hey shout it out

[Chorus: Jimin, J-Hope]

Oh! Throw a stone at me if you’ve done as much as I did

We go hard, we have no fear

(Click click, bang bang) we just sing it like

(Click click, bang bang) we just sing it like

Oh! Throw a stone at me if you’ve done as much as I did

We go hard, we have no fear

(Click click, bang bang) we just sing it like

(Click click, bang bang) we just sing it like

[Hook: RM]

(What) Give it to me

(What) Be nervous

(What) The one to end it all

(What) We are bulletproof

We are bulletproof


[Verse 2: J-Hope, RM]

Look at my profile, there’s nothing there yet

Still a trainee and rapper man

Yeah I do know that’s nothing

I contemplated a lot but now I don’t need anything

You’re still an amateur

I’m in the majors, hope you’ll rot like that

Rap Monster, like my name

I can eat up any kind of beat like a monster

I’m loyal to my name, guys come here, take a preview

I put a twist to being an idol

Haha, hyungs who only had hip-hop pride

Told me it’d be impossible but

Look carefully, I place a period after impossible

I’m possible, now are we all set, boy?

[Pre-Chorus: Jin]

Everywhere I go, everything I do

I will show you, as much as I sharpened my sword

To all the people who looked down on me

(Oh oh oh oh oh oh) Hey shout it out

[Chorus: Jimin, J-hope]

Oh! Throw a stone at me if you’ve done as much as I did

We go hard, we have no fear

(Click click, bang bang) we just sing it like

(Click click, bang bang) we just sing it like

Oh! Throw a stone at me if you’ve done as much as I did

We go hard, we have no fear

(Click click, bang bang) we just sing it like

(Click click, bang bang) we just sing it like

[Hook: RM]

(What) Give it to me

(What) Be nervous

(What) The one to end it all

(What) We are bulletproof

We are bulletproof



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