BTS Graduation

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BTS Graduation Mahnı sözləri

BTS - Graduation Sözleri


Oh-oh-oh, woah, woah

It's fire


Huh, as we go on, we remember

All the times we spent together (Ooh, woah)

As our lives change (Ooh, woah), from whatever

We will still be (We will still), friends forever

[Verse 1]

First off, tell the girl in my math class I'm rich

And you broke, bitch, I had the last laugh

And to the dumb nigga in my science lab

How'd it feel when we fought and you caught a jab?

Man, fuck prom, fuck the teacher that was always talkin' on the intercom

And fuck the student that we thought was always gon' bring in a bomb

And all of the girls wild, them bitches was too foul

They all on my dick now


Huh, as we go on (As we go on), we remember (We remember)

All the times we (All the times), spent together (Ooh, woah)

As our lives change (Ooh, woah), from whatever

We will still be (We will still), friends forever

[Verse 2]

Um, information leaker, had a crush on one of my teachers

Used to fantasize makin' love with her behind the bleachers

And to all the people who ain't like me, I ain't like me either

Half my class was havin' kids, guess we had that jungle fever

Uh, I was waitin' for my graduation (Uh-huh), growin' impatient (Uh-huh)

What I didn't know was this grown-up world (This grown-up world)

Was just school in a blown-up world (This blown-up world)

There's still gossip, there's still drama, there's still problems

There's a right and there's a wrong

There's still people that I think won't love me 'til I'm gone

Low-key miss the days walkin' 'round in my school halls

But now I got a bigger job, the world screamin' my songs


Huh, as we go on (As we go on), we remember (We remember)

All the times we (All the times), spent together (We were close)

As our lives change (As we change), from whatever (From what we know)

We will still be (We will still), friends forever (Enemies 'til the end)


Lauren is such a bitch (I know, right?)

I don't even understand why guys like her, she's not even cute

She's not even pretty

Have you seen how much makeup she wears?

And by the way she Facetunes her pictures so much (Oh my God, you are so right)

I honestly think she bought her followers

She barely gets any likes any way (Um, she's honestly kinda sad)

And you wanna know the craziest part about all of it? (What?)

She doesn't even have any idea her boyfriend's been cheatin' on her this entire time (Huh?)


bts graduation

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