BTS Cypher Pt.4

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Cypher Pt.4BTS

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BTS Cypher Pt.4 Mahnı sözləri

BTS - Cypher Pt.4 Sözleri

Intro: Yo fuck Cornell Rap Boi!

Why I gotta save this shit?

Y’all need a king that’s all f’real, Undisputed ruler

Yo me and Joe boutta burn this bitch down, lets go!

Pt. 1:

Fuck Chibu, Fuck CU Cypher

They good rappers, but you know I’m nicer

Keep your girl away from me, or else I might just entice her

Stunt on them with the concept album

Word bullets that’ll leave em numb

You want war, come get some

Your girl yeah, make her cum

Cornell U need one thing

That’s me as the rap king

Can’t fuck with those randos

Stay away from those damn flings

If I love her, she’s my ting, hit her with that wedding ring

Pt. 2:

Back Cheebu and them FUCK rappers

CU streets I’m the real trapper

Thrice as hard as your situation

No way to beat me, no permutation

Cypher is a lame combination

Fuck they rap, it’s alliteration

In my streets it’s obliteration


Got my niggas up in the 6, they my family don’t fuck with this

Yung nigga up in the streets

Vault niggas like track meets

Roast Cheebu like smoked beef

Rap so high it’s chief keef

You in deep water barrier reef


This dude Lans is so divine

Slick like oil, that’s turpentine

Cypher raps be asinine

My raps, they be sublime

Hussey treated me like straight slime


Praise a cville nigga

Put him on the pulpit

Cause a young nigga

Ain’t fucking with the bullshit

Uh, divinity

Big dick, big balls, that’s trinity

Black Jesus, that’s blasphemy

Engineers be blasting me

2090 they sassing me

Like sonic the hedgehog I’m blazing free

To be the king, put them on they knees



Like I said it’s no offense

You guys embers, I’m incense

Got these fucks feeling so tense

Killed them all in the past tense

Swooped in made no sense

Get all the money, call that sense

Take me on, you so dense

Yah, Yah, that Osium

I just won’t stop bossing em

Won’t stop just topping em

I’m the king, so top me off

These limp dicks be so soft

That nigga Mark be so fake

You give to him, he just takes

Cuts you down to straight pieces

He won’t stop, so no ceasing

No smooth sailing, it’s just creases

And as your sadness increases

He’s feeding off of that (ego)

Don’t know why he won’t (just go)

Like a gadget just (go go)

Don’t want to suffer ( no mo mo)


Like a big dick, I go hard

Most think I’m a bastard

Socially slow that retard

Stay cool like an Ice Shard

Go Russia, I’m still the czar

Great Peter, born eater

Take your girl in that 2 seater

Get intimate, I might eat her

Cheebu Cypher, and Mark Hussey

Didn’t expect fire, so they got fussy

Raps too nice, so they try to fuck me

Girls want it, so they try to suck me

Listenins they see me stacking

Got fans, so they know I’m packing

Do the shit that I said I would, so they know I’m not acting

Not just talk, about that action

Blow up shit, you know I’m Fracking

Got hater, so you know they flacking


Started rapping up in the ville

Next thing you know, I shitted on em

Leg up , brown out, man I should’ve taken the tums out

Too much momentum, that mv

R E S P E C T ain’t no one gon fuck with me

Let’s just be Franklin

This rap game I’m slamming

Crack a skull with that flinstone

Hit hard and I hit bone

Erase you like acetone

Talking down, I don’t like your tone

I’m animated, you just drone

You backwards like a palindrome

Sell tickets that sears dome

You so dull I just shone


Yung nigga with a gat in the backpack

Fight me and get clapped back spect that

Your face yeah I smack that kick back

Brave nigga with the ballsack eat that


Motown on that slowdown

Moon’s high, so I moon walk

You pray so I just stalk

I rap, you just gawk

Never had that yung Glock

Got messy so I wore a smock

I don’t save face I just clock it

Lyrical shotgun, I half cock it

Shit rap man, I just stop it

This rap mess man, I’ll just mop it


Not a god, no hot bod, yet better than you fuck wads

Slicker than a Minecraft mod

Not going to give Matt Pierce a nod

Look down on a nigga

Tell him he can’t change shit

Look to the future, says he can’t change it

Don’t give a fuck

Stay away with that destiny

You gon regret testing me

You arrogant, just cocky

Get out of my way, dick jockey


Chop Cheebu, that’s down pat

Can’t even blame me for that


Stabbed me in the back no trustworthy


You always say you’re so good

Then place out of chem just like you should

Yeah bitch nigga didn’t take the CASE

Maybe he failed it, so he bought a case

I’m after you and big Hec

No playtime go for the neck

Wear my face, on your shirt

I’ve been Ernie, you’ve been Bert

You begged for this, you swung and missed, I’m not the guy to mess with

Cheebu man, this nigga lied

Good compilitation a nigga tried

Drop this track, you got fried

In yo face, you doe eyed

This my turf, so just slide

CU cypher, they be sexist

Next thing you know, they be racist

I rap better and I rap clean

No drinks, drugs, or even lean

Dank memes on my team

Hussies kill your self esteem

Been dreaming

Been fiending

Down a while, but I’m still scheming

My boi Logic he know the deal

Chase the paper with Olympic zeal

This war guys, you want some more?

Know what this is good for?

Absolutely nothing…


Cept putting me on top cause a nigga never gon stop

And I make these bastards pop





No lube schooled like class

So vulgar and so crass

Don’t say sorry, you got sassed

Cheebu/ Cypher I surpassed

My track permeates it’s so gassed

Lookout for the LP in December 2K16

Stream me on Soundcloud

Wasabi Boi to fuck with me



Joe Fuentes: good shit, good shit


bts cypher pt4

BTS- Cypher Pt.4 mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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