Alicia Keys Underdog

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UnderdogAlicia Keys

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Alicia Keys - Underdog Sevimli musiqi siyahısına əlavə edildi!
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Alicia Keys Underdog Mahnı sözləri

She was walking in a street
Looked up and noticed
He was nameless, he was homeless
She asked him his name
And told him what hers was
He gave her a story 'bout life

With a glint in his eye
And a corner of a smile
One conversation, a simple moment
The things that change us if we notice
When we look up sometimes

They said I would never make it
But I was built to break the mold
The only dream that I've been chasing
Is my own

So I sing a song for the hustlers
Trading at the bus stop
Single mothers waiting on the check to come
Young teachers, student doctors
Sons on the front line
Knowing they don't get to run
This goes out to the underdog
Keep on keeping at what you love
And you will find that some day soon enough
You will rise up, rise up, yeah

She's riding in a taxi
Back to the kitchen
Talking to the driver 'bout his wife and his children
On a run from a country
Where they put you in prison
For being a woman and speaking your mind

And she looked in his eyes in the mirror
And he smiled
One conversation, a single moment
The things that change us if we notice
When we look up sometimes

They said I would never make it
But I was built to break the mold
The only dream that I've been chasing
Is my own

So I sing a song for the hustlers
Trading at the bus stop
Single mothers waiting on the check to come
Young teachers, student doctors
Sons on the front line
Knowing they don't get to run
This goes out to the underdog
Keep on keeping at what you love
And you will find that some day soon enough
You will rise up, rise up, yeah

Everybody rise up
You could rise, yeah

I sing a song for the hustlers
Trading at the bus stop
Single mothers waiting on the check to come
(See, you're gonna make it)
Young teachers, student doctors
Sons on the front line
Knowing they don't get to run
This goes out to the underdog
Keep on keeping at what you love
And you will find that some day soon enough
You will rise up, rise up, yeah

Alicia Keys- Underdog mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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