Alec Benjamin Boy In The Bubble

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Boy In The BubbleAlec Benjamin

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Alec Benjamin Boy In The Bubble Mahnı sözləri

It was 6:48, I was walking home
Stepped through the gate, and I'm all alone
I had chicken on the plate, but the food was coldThen I covered up my face so that no one knows
I didn't want trouble
I'm the boy in the bubble
But then came trouble

When my mom walked into the living room
She said, "Boy, you gotta tell me what they did to you"
I said, "You don't wanna know the things I had to do"
She said, "Son, you gotta tell me why you're black and blue"
I said I didn't want trouble
I'm the boy in the bubble
But then came trouble

And my heart was pumping
Chest was screaming
Mind was running
Air was freezing
Put my hands up
Put my hands up
I told this kid I'm ready for a fight

Punch my face
Do it 'cause I like the pain
Every time you curse my name
I know you want the satisfaction
It's not gonna happen
Knock me out
Kick me when I'm on the ground
It's only gonna let you down
Come the lightning and the thunder
You're the one who'll suffer, suffer

Well I squared him up, left my chest exposed
He threw a quick left hook and it broke my nose
I had thick red blood running down my clothes
And a sick, sick look 'cause I like it though
I said I didn't want trouble
I'm the boy in the bubble
But then came trouble

And my heart was pumping
Chest was screaming
Mind was running
Nose was bleeding
Put my hands up
Put my hands up
I told this kid I'm ready for a fight

Punch my face
Do it 'cause I like the pain
Every time you curse my name
I know you want the satisfaction
It's not gonna happen
Knock me out
Kick me when I'm on the ground
It's only gonna let you down
Come the lightning and the thunder
You're the one who'll suffer

It was 6:48, he was walking home
With the blood on his hand from my broken nose
But like every other day, he was scared to go
Back to his house 'cause his pops was home
Drowning his troubles in whiskey bubbles
Just looking for trouble

Well, there's no excuse for the things he did
But there's a lot at home that he's dealing with
Because his dad's been drunk since he was a kid
And I hope one day that he'll say to him
Put down those bubbles and that belt buckle
In this broken bubble

Punch my face
Do it 'cause I like the pain
Every time you curse my name
I know you want the satisfaction
It's not gonna happen
Knock me out
Kick me when I'm on the ground
It's only gonna let you down
Come the lightning and the thunder
You're the one who'll suffer, suffer

Alec Benjamin- Boy In The Bubble mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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