Akon Ghetto

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Akon - Ghetto Sevimli musiqi siyahısına əlavə edildi!
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Akon Ghetto Mahnı sözləri

Ghetto, ghetto
Ghetto, ghetto livin'
These streets remind me of quicksand (quicksand)
When you're on it, you'll keep goin' down (goin' down)
And there's no one to hold on to
And there's no one to pull you out
You keep on fallin' (fallin')
No one can hear you callin'
So you end up self-destructin'
On the corner with the tuli on the waistline
Just got up out the bing doin' state time
Teeth marks on my back from the K-9
Dark memories of when there was no sunshine
'Cause they said that I wouldn't make it
I remember like yesterday
Holdin' on to what God gave me
'Cause that's the life when you're livin' in the (ghetto)
And eatin' in the (ghetto)
Oh, sleepin' in the (ghetto)
Ghetto, that's the life (ghetto livin')
When you're livin' in the (ghetto)
And eatin' in the (ghetto)
Oh, sleepin' in the (ghetto) ghetto (ghetto livin')
No need to cherish luxuries
'Cause everything come and go
Even the life that you have is borrowed
'Cause you're not promised tomorrow
So live your life as if every day is gon' be your last (be your last)
Once you've moved forward, can't go back just pretend to remove your past (remove your past)
'Cause you gotta be willin' to pray
Yes, there gotta be, there gotta be a better way, oh
Yes, you gotta be willin' to pray
'Cause there gotta be, there gotta be a better day, ay
Whoever said that this struggle would stop today?
A lot a niggas dead or locked away
Teenage women growin' up with AIDS
'Cause that's the life when you're livin' in the (ghetto)
Oh, eatin' in the (ghetto)
Oh, sleepin' in the (ghetto)
Ghetto, that's the life (ghetto livin')
When you're livin' in the (ghetto)
Oh, eatin' in the (ghetto)
Oh, sleepin' in the (ghetto) ghetto (ghetto livin')
Gun shots every night in the (ghetto)
Crooked cops on sight in the (ghetto)
Everyday is a fight in the (ghetto)
Oh oh oh oh oh (ghetto livin')
Got kids to feed in the (ghetto)
Sellin' coke and weed in the (ghetto)
Everyday somebody bleed in the (ghetto)
Oh oh oh oh oh (ghetto livin')
That's the life when you're livin' in the (ghetto)
Oh, livin' by the (ghetto)
Oh eatin' in the (ghetto)
That's the life when you're livin' in the (ghetto)
Oh, sleepin' in the (ghetto)
Livin' in the (ghetto)
Ghetto, ghetto (ghetto livin')


akon ghetto

Akon- Ghetto mp3 indir - mp3 yukle

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