The Weeknd feat Gesaffelstein-I Was Never There

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feat Gesaffelstein-I Was Never ThereThe Weeknd

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The Weeknd - feat Gesaffelstein-I Was Never There تمت إضافتها إلى قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
The Weeknd - feat Gesaffelstein-I Was Never There تمت إزالتها من قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
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The Weeknd feat Gesaffelstein-I Was Never There كلمات الاغنية

What makes a grown man wanna cry?
(Cry, cry, cry, cry)
What makes him wanna take his life? Ah, ah (Yeah)His happiness is never real
(Real, real, real, real)
And mindless sex is how he feels, ooh, he heals

When it's time, when it's time, when it's time
It won't matter (It don't matter)
It won't matter (Matter)
When it's time, when it's time, when it's time (Time, it's time, babe)
It won't matter (It won't matter, babe)
It won't matter (Ya!)

It was like he was never there (It was like he was never there)
It was like he was gone in thin air (Oh!)
When it's time, when it's time, when it's time, oh, baby
It won't matter (It won't matter, baby)
It won't matter

(When it's time, when it's time, when it's time)
(It won't matter, it won't matter)
(When it's time, when it's time, when it's time)
(It won't matter, it won't matter)
(It was like he was never there)
(It was like he was gone in thin air)
(When it's time, when it's time, when it's time)
(It won't matter, it won't matter)

(When it's time, when it's time, when it's time)
(It won't matter, it won't matter)
(When it's time, when it's time, when it's time)
(It won't matter, it won't matter)

Ooh, now I know what love is
And I know it ain't you for sure
You'd rather something toxic
So, I poison myself again, again
'Til I feel nothing
In my soul (In my soul)
I'm on the edge of something breakin'
I feel my mind is slowly fadin'
If I keep goin', I won't make it
If I keep goin', I won't make it

And it's all because of you
It's all because of you
It's all because of you
It's all because of you
Woah, woah

Don't you, baby, hey
It won't matter, baby
Don't you know?
Don't you know?
Ooh, no
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