The Neighbourhood Flawless

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FlawlessThe Neighbourhood

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The Neighbourhood - Flawless تمت إضافتها إلى قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
The Neighbourhood - Flawless تمت إزالتها من قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
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مدة 04:04 البعد 3.75 Mb عدد التنزيلات 1 الآراء 15


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The Neighbourhood Flawless كلمات الاغنية

The Neighbourhood Flawless Şarkı Sözleri She planned ahead for a year, he said "Let's play it by ear"
She didn't want him to run, he didn't want her to fear
Nobody said it'd be easy, they knew it was rough
But, tough luck
I fell in love today, there aren't any words you can say
That could ever get my mind to change
She's enough for me, she's in love with me 
You're a doll, you are flawless
But I just can't wait for love to destroy us
I just can't wait for love
You're only flaw, you are flawless
But I just can't wait for love to destroy us
I just can't wait for love
So, she put his heart in a bag, he wouldn't ask for it back
He didn't want her to cry, she didn't want to be sad
She said, "You better not leave me"
This shit'll be fucked for days and weeks and months, but
I fell in love today, there aren't any words you can say
That could ever get my mind to change
She's enough for me, she's in love with me
Add it all up, I can find it
The problem with love is I'm blinded by
It rattles my lungs, but my mind is
Tangled between your little flaws
Your flaws, your flaws, your flaws
You're a doll, you are flawless
But I just can't wait for love to destroy us
I just can't wait for love
You're only flaw, you are flawless
But I just can't wait for love to destroy us
I just can't wait for love 
Wait for love, I won't wait for love
Wait for love, I won't wait for love
Wait for love


the neighbourhood flawless
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