Taylor Swift Ready For It

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Ready For ItTaylor Swift

حمل الموسيقى

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Taylor Swift - Ready For It تمت إضافتها إلى قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
Taylor Swift - Ready For It تمت إزالتها من قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
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لم يتم تقديم أي تعليقات على الأغنية. قم بالتعليق الأول!

Taylor Swift Ready For It كلمات الاغنية

Knew he was a killer first time that I saw him
Wonder how many girls he had loved and left haunted
But if he's a ghost, then I can be a phantomHoldin' him for ransom

Some, some boys are tryin' too hard
He don't try at all, though
Younger than my exes but he act like such a man, so
I see nothing better, I keep him forever
Like a vendetta-ta

I-I-I see how this is gon' go
Touch me and you'll never be alone
I-Island breeze and lights down low
No one has to know

In the middle of the night, in my dreams
You should see the things we do, baby
In the middle of the night, in my dreams
I know I'm gonna be with you
So I take my time
Are you ready for it?

Me, I was a robber first time that he saw me
Stealing hearts and running off and never saying sorry
But if I'm a thief, then he can join the heist
And we'll move to an island-and
And he can be my jailer, Burton to this Taylor
Every lover known in comparison is a failure
I forget their names now, I'm so very tame now
Never be the same now, now

I-I-I see how this is gon' go
Touch me and you'll never be alone
I-Island breeze and lights down low
No one has to know
(No one has to know)

In the middle of the night, in my dreams
You should see the things we do, baby
In the middle of the night in my dreams
I know I'm gonna be with you
So I take my time
Are you ready for it?
Ooh, are you ready for it?

Baby, let the games begin
Let the games begin
Let the games begin
Baby, let the games begin
Let the games begin
Let the games begin
I-I-I see how this is gon' go
Touch me and you'll never be alone
I-Island breeze and lights down low
No one has to know

In the middle of the night, in my dreams
You should see the things we do, baby
In the middle of the night, in my dreams
I know I'm gonna be with you
So I take my time

In the middle of the night
Baby, let the games begin
Let the games begin
Let the games begin
Are you ready for it?

Baby, let the games begin
Let the games begin
Let the games begin
Are you ready for it?


taylor swift ready for
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