Selena Gomez Slow Down

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Slow DownSelena Gomez

حمل الموسيقى

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Selena Gomez - Slow Down تمت إضافتها إلى قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
Selena Gomez - Slow Down تمت إزالتها من قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
قم بالتسجيل أو تسجيل الدخول للإضافة إلى قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة

تسجيل الدخول أو إنشاء حساب
مدة 03:30 البعد 3.22 Mb عدد التنزيلات 0 الآراء 94


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Selena Gomez Slow Down كلمات الاغنية

Selena Gomez - Slow Down Sözleri

Now that I have captured your attention

I want to steal you for a rhythm intervention

Mr. T you say I'm ready for inspection

Sh-sh-show me how you make a first impression

Oh, oh

Can we take it nice and slow, slow

Break it down and drop it low, low

'Cause I just wanna party all night in the neon lights 'til you can let me go

I just wanna feel your body right next to mine

All night long

Baby, slow down the song

And when it's coming closer to the end hit rewind

All night long

Baby, slow down the song

Oh oh oh oh

Yeah, baby, slow down the song

Oh oh oh oh

Yeah, baby, slow down the song

If you want me I'm accepting applications

So long as we k-keep this record on rotation

You know I'm good with mouth to mouth resuscitation

Breathe me in, breathe me out

So amazing

Oh, oh

Can we take it nice and slow, slow

Break it down and drop it low, low

Cause I just wanna party all night in the neon lights 'til you can let me go

I just wanna feel your body right next to mine

All night long

Baby, slow down the song

And when it's coming closer to the end hit rewind

All night long

Baby, slow down the song

Oh oh oh oh

Yeah, baby, slow down the song

Oh oh oh oh

Yeah, baby, slow down the song

Breathe me in, breathe me out

The music's got me going

Breathe me in, breathe me out

No stop until the morning

Breathe me in, breathe me out

You know I'm ready for it

For it, for it


Breathe me in, breathe me out

The music's got me going

Breathe me in, breathe me out

No stop until the morning

Breathe me in, breathe me out

You know I'm ready for it

For it, for it!


I just wanna feel your body right next to mine

All night long

Baby, slow down the song

And when it's coming closer to the end hit rewind

All night long

Baby, slow down the song

Oh oh oh oh

Yeah, baby, slow down the song

Oh oh oh oh

Yeah, baby, slow down the song

How do I do it?

I-I-It's the cataracts

Ha ha ha


selena gomez slow down
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