Rod Stewart Just A Little Misunderstood

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Just A Little MisunderstoodRod Stewart

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Rod Stewart - Just A Little Misunderstood تمت إضافتها إلى قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
Rod Stewart - Just A Little Misunderstood تمت إزالتها من قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
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مدة 03:56 البعد 3.62 Mb عدد التنزيلات 1 الآراء 16



Rod Stewart Just A Little Misunderstood كلمات الاغنية

There has to be a reason
Why everyone speaks bad of my baby
I think I know that reason
And it is oh so sad
They say she walks the streets
But that's not strictly true
She's got a lot to eat
And she's not as rich as you
She's just a little miss understood
That's all

Everyone needs somebody
To get them through that time
You may not love that someone
As much as I love mine
But if she walks the streets
Does that condemn her soul
Or is heaven so complete
It rejects a heart of gold
She's just a little miss understood
A little miss understood
A little miss understood
That's all

And if she walks the streets
Does that condemn her soul
Or is heaven so complete
It rejects a heart of gold
She's just a little miss understood
A little miss understood
She's just a little miss understood
That's all

And if she walks the streets
Does that condemn her soul
Or is heaven so complete
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