Rick Astley She Wants to Dance With Me

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She Wants to Dance With MeRick Astley

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Rick Astley - She Wants to Dance With Me تمت إضافتها إلى قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
Rick Astley - She Wants to Dance With Me تمت إزالتها من قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
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Rick Astley She Wants to Dance With Me كلمات الاغنية

She wants to dance
She wants to dance with me
Oh yeah (dance with me)
There's a girl I've been waiting to see
And I really get the feeling that she likes me
'Cause she said so, but not in so many words
I've got to tell you what I've heard
She don't want no wild romance
When she's with me she only wants to dance
She wants to dance with me
'Cause I'll hold her so tight next to me
She wants to dance with me
'Cause I'll let her be what she wants to be
Now I know I've been out of touch
And I never meant to hurt my baby oh so much
'Cause I love her and I think she love me
And that's the way it's got to be
When we're together we never fight
We've got better things to do tonight
She wants to dance with me
'Cause I'll hold her so tight next to me
She wants to dance with me
'Cause I'll let her be what she wants to be
She wants to dance
She wants to dance
She wants to dance with me
'Cause I'll hold her so tight next to me
She wants to dance with me
'Cause I'll let her be what she wants to be
She wants to dance with me
'Cause I'll hold her so tight next to me
She wants to dance with me
'Cause I'll let her be what she wants to be
She wants to dance with me
'Cause I'll hold her so tight next to me
She wants to dance with me
'Cause I'll let her be what she wants to be


rick astley she wants dance with
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