One Direction I Want to Write you a Song

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I Want to Write you a SongOne Direction

حمل الموسيقى

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One Direction - I Want to Write you a Song تمت إضافتها إلى قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
One Direction - I Want to Write you a Song تمت إزالتها من قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
قم بالتسجيل أو تسجيل الدخول للإضافة إلى قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة

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مدة 02:55 البعد 6.71 Mb عدد التنزيلات 0 الآراء 10



One Direction I Want to Write you a Song كلمات الاغنية

One Direction I want to write you a song Şarkı Sözleri
I want to write you a song
One that's beautiful as you are sweet
Just a hint of pain
For the feeling that I get when you are gone
I want to write you a song
I want to lend you my coat
One that's as soft as your cheek
So when the world is cold
You'll have a hiding place you can go
I want to lend you my coat 
Everything I need I get from you
Givin' back is all I wanna do
I want to build you a boat
One that's strong as you are free
So any time you think that your heart is gonna sink
You know it won't
I want to build you a boat
Everything I need I get from you
Givin' back is all I wanna do
Everything I need I get from you
Givin' back is all I wanna do
I want to write you a song
One to make your heart remember me
So any time I'm gone
You can listen to my voice and sing along
I want to write you a song
I want to write you a song 


one direction want write you song
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