Little Mix Black Magic

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Black MagicLittle Mix

حمل الموسيقى

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Little Mix - Black Magic تمت إضافتها إلى قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
Little Mix - Black Magic تمت إزالتها من قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
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مدة 03:45 البعد 3.46 Mb عدد التنزيلات 0 الآراء 82


لم يتم تقديم أي تعليقات على الأغنية. قم بالتعليق الأول!

Little Mix Black Magic كلمات الاغنية

All the girls on the block knocking at my door
Wanna know what it is make the boys want more
Is your lover playing on your side?
Said he loves you
But he ain't got time
Here's the answer
Come and get it
At a knocked down price
Full of honey
Just to make him sweet
Crystal balling
Just to help him see
What he's been missing
So come and get it
While you've still got time
Get your boy on his knees
And repeat after me, say
Take a sip of my secret potion
I'll make you fall in love
For a spell that can't be broken
One drop should be enough
Boy, you belong to me
I got the recipe
And it's called black magic
(And it's called black magic)
Take a sip of my secret potion
One taste and you'll be mine
It's a spell that can't be broken
It'll keep you up all night
Boy, you belong to me
I got the recipe
And it's called black magic
(And it's called black magic)
If you're lookin' for Mister Right
Need that magic
To change him over night
Here's the answer
Come and get it
While you've still got time
Get your boy on his knees
And repeat after me, say
Take a sip of my secret potion
I'll make you fall in love
For a spell that can't be broken
One drop should be enough
Boy, you belong to me
I got the recipe
And it's called black magic
(And it's called black magic)
Take a sip of my secret potion
One taste and you'll be mine
It's a spell that can't be broken
It'll keep you up all night
Boy, you belong to me
I got the recipe
And it's called black magic
(And it's called black magic)
All the girls on the block knockin' at my door
(I got the recipe)
Wanna know what it is make the boys want more
(Now you belong to me)
All the girls on the block knockin' at my door
(I got the recipe)
Wanna know what it is make the boys want more
(Now you belong to me)
Take a sip from my secret potion
I'll make you fall in love
For a spell that can't be broken
One drop should be enough
Boy, you belong to me (hey)
I got the recipe
And it's called, and it's called, and it's called black magic
Take a sip of my secret potion
One taste and you'll be mine
It's a spell that can't be broken
It'll keep you up all night
Boy, you belong to me
I got the recipe
And it's called black magic
(And it's called black magic)
Falling in love (hey)
Falling in love (hey)
Falling in love (hey)
Falling in love (hey)
Falling in love (hey)
Falling in love (hey)
Falling in love (hey)
Falling in love (hey)


little mix black magic
© 2024 للاتصالات جميع الموسيقى المنشورة على الموقع هي لأغراض ترويجية فقط. يمكنك استخدام وسائل الاتصال التالية لوضع الموسيقى على الموقع أو للتعبير عن تعليقاتك. يمكنك إضافة أغانيك المفضلة أو إنشاء قوائم التشغيل الخاصة بك من الأغاني التي تم تنزيلها بالفعل. من الممكن الاستماع وتحميل الأغنية دون تسجيل. لاستخدام وظائف معينة، تحتاج إلى التسجيل. التسجيل مجاني تماما.
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