Liam Payne All I Want

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All I WantLiam Payne

حمل الموسيقى

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Liam Payne - All I Want تمت إضافتها إلى قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
Liam Payne - All I Want تمت إزالتها من قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
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مدة 03:03 البعد 2.81 Mb عدد التنزيلات 0 الآراء 6



Liam Payne All I Want كلمات الاغنية

Tell me, where did we go wrong?
We should be singing Christmas songs
Instead of shouting all night long
Like we do
We keep fighting in the street
When we should be home wrapped in the sheets
Putting presents underneath the tree
For me and you
I know we had our fair share
Of breaking up, and making up
I promise you we'll get there
So don't give up, no
If we can make it through December
Maybe we'll make it through forever
'Cause all I want for Christmas
Is you and me to fix this
If we can make it through December
Every New Year we'll be together
Baby, all I want for Christmas
Is you and me to fix this
It hasn't been the greatest year
But through thick and thin we made it here
Just keep holding onto me
And I'll hold you
But we made it through the hardest part
And I followed you, the brightest star
I just wanna be where you are
Right where you are
I know we've had our fair share
Of breaking up, yeah, making up
But I promise you we'll get there
So don't give up, no don't
If we can make it through December
Maybe we'll make it through forever
'Cause all I want for Christmas
Is you and me to fix this
If we can make it through December
Every New Year we'll have together
Baby, all I want for Christmas
Is you and me to fix this
Uh, uh, all I want, yeah
Uh, uh, all I want, yeah
Uh, uh, all I want, yeah
Uh, uh, all I want, yeah
If we can make it through December
Every New Year we'll be together
'Cause all I want for Christmas
Is you and me to fix this


liam payne all want
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