Krept & Konan Falling

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FallingKrept & Konan

حمل الموسيقى

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Krept & Konan - Falling تمت إضافتها إلى قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
Krept & Konan - Falling تمت إزالتها من قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
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مدة 04:35 البعد 4.22 Mb عدد التنزيلات 0 الآراء 55


لم يتم تقديم أي تعليقات على الأغنية. قم بالتعليق الأول!

Krept & Konan Falling كلمات الاغنية

I know you think you need me but you don't
I know them scars ain't healed and they won't
'Cause I know he didn't do you right
You say don't trust men and I'm about to prove you right
She said I'm falling for you and I can't hide it no more
She said I'm falling for you and I can't hide it no more
'Cause I miss the way you love me, I miss the way you touch me
And I don't wanna be without you
Don't wanna be without you
Every time I think I miss you
I go cold you know, me and my commitment issues
On my phone, looking for someone to talk to
When I just wanna call you, yeah
Sitting here thinking 'should I message you?'
'Cause you're all I think about when I'm not next to you
Deep strokes when I'm sexing you
But every time we fight you say some shit that makes me question you
Say you wanna settle down 'cause you're getting old
But I'm so focused on the music you just never know
If I'm here to stay, or just let you go
It's all good until your dumb friends get involved
I thank God that he sent you
'Cause you're more than a love, you're my friend too
And I don't want this to end too
'Cause I know them other guys won't love you like they're meant to
She said I'm falling for you and I can't hide it no more
She said I'm falling for you and I can't hide it no more
'Cause I miss the way you love me, I miss the way you touch me
And I don't wanna be without you
Don't wanna be without you
We ain't in a relationship, we kinda ain't single
We don't know what to call it, we're somewhere in the middle
Even though it ain't official, and you ain't my girl
We still get pissed if we talk to someone else
Like, "Who's calling you, who's texting you?"
Ain't together but still don't want no one else next to you
Feelings getting stronger, it's becoming an issue
You don't really understand why we ain't official
Don't wanna be apart from you, scared of division
But I'm still scared of commitment
I kinda like what we got, don't wanna ruin that
Just for a title, why you pursuing that?
Can't you see your friends and their Instagram relationships
That last a few months, they break up and start erasing pics
Fuck that, what we got'll last longer
Making it official won't make the love stronger, word
She said I'm falling for you and I can't hide it no more
She said I'm falling for you and I can't hide it no more
'Cause I miss the way you love me, I miss the way you touch me
And I don't wanna be without you
Don't wanna be without you
Love me
I miss the way, I lost the way you love me
I miss the way, I lost the way you love me
I miss the way, I lost the way you love me
I miss the way, I lost the way you love me


krept konan falling
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