Jax Jones House Work

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House WorkJax Jones

حمل الموسيقى

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Jax Jones - House Work تمت إضافتها إلى قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
Jax Jones - House Work تمت إزالتها من قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
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مدة 04:59 البعد 4.58 Mb عدد التنزيلات 0 الآراء 88


لم يتم تقديم أي تعليقات على الأغنية. قم بالتعليق الأول!

Jax Jones House Work كلمات الاغنية

I call it house work (woo)
'Cause it's light work (what you, what you gon' do?)
I'ma throw shapes, feeling the bass 'til my feet hurt
I call it house work (woo)
'Cause it's light work (what you, what you gon' do?)
But I'ma throw shade if I don't get paid for this house work

I call it house work (woo)
'Cause it's light work (what you, what you gon' do?)
I'ma throw shapes, feeling the bass 'til my feet hurt
I'ma throw shapes (woo)
I'ma throw shapes (woo)
(What you, what you gon' do?)
(What you, what you gon' do? Rave)

I call it house work (woo)
'Cause it's light work (what you, what you gon' do?)
I'ma throw shapes, feeling the bass 'til my feet hurt (rave)

I call it house work (woo)
'Cause it's light work (what you, what you gon' do?)
But I'ma throw shade if I don't get paid for this house work (rave)

I call it house work (woo)
'Cause it's light work (what you, what you gon' do?)
I'ma throw shapes, feeling the bass 'til my feet hurt (rave)

I call it house work (woo)
'Cause it's light work (what you, what you gon' do? Rave)

When I'm alone
Or with my friends
Best believe, I'm working
Every weekend

House work (woo)
Light work (woo)
I'ma throw shapes (what you, what you gon' do? Rave)

When I'm alone
Or with my friends
Best believe, I'm working
Every weekend

House work (woo)
Light work (woo)
I'ma throw shapes (woo, what you, what you gon' do? Rave)

I call it house work
'Cause it's light work
I'ma throw shapes, feeling the bass 'til my feet hurt
I call it house work
'Cause it's light work
But I'ma throw shade if I don't get paid for this house work
(What you, what you gon' do?)

I call it house work
'Cause it's light work
I'ma throw shapes, feeling the base 'til my feet hurt (woo)

I call it house work (woo)
'Cause it's light work (woo)
But I'ma throw shade if I don't get paid for this house work (rave)

When I'm alone
Or with my friends (what you, what you gon' do?)
Best believe, I'm working
Every weekend (rave)

House work (woo)
Light work (woo)
I'ma throw shapes (woo, what you, what you gon' do? Rave)

I call it house work (woo)
'Cause it's light work (what you, what you gon' do?)
But I'ma throw shade if I don't get paid for this house work


jax jones house work
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