Gabriella Cilmi On A Mission

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On A MissionGabriella Cilmi

حمل الموسيقى

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Gabriella Cilmi - On A Mission تمت إضافتها إلى قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
Gabriella Cilmi - On A Mission تمت إزالتها من قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
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مدة 03:06 البعد 2.85 Mb عدد التنزيلات 0 الآراء 80


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Gabriella Cilmi On A Mission كلمات الاغنية

It's time for me to make a move
And I know what i gotta do
'Cause I got everything to prove
I got a plan I'm sticking to
The word is that I'm over doubt
But I don't let it get me down
I ain't nobody's push around
If they could only see me now
There's only one thing on my mind
And I'm running out of time
I'm coming through so get out of the way
I am a woman on a mission, woah
Nothing can stop me, I'm stronger than ever
I wanna see this through
I am a woman on a mission, woah
Whatever it takes I will do what I gotta do
I'm gonna lay it on the line
I won't give up without a fight
'Cause I can see the finish line
Won't stop till I make you mine
To read the writing on the wall
I'm ready here and standing tall
So people think they know it all
So I guess I'll have to show them all
There's only one thing on my mind
And I'm running out of time
I'm coming through so get out of the way
I am a woman on a mission, woah
Nothing can stop me, I'm stronger than ever
I wanna see this through
I am a woman on a mission, woah
Whatever it takes I will do what I gotta do
I am a woman on a mission, woah
Nothing can stop me, I'm stronger than ever
I wanna see this through
I am a woman on a mission, woah
Whatever it takes I will do what I gotta do
I never give up, I never give up, I never give up
I'm on a mission
I never give up, I never give up
I'm gonna see this through
I never give up, I never give up, I never give up
I'm on a mission
Whatever it takes I will do what I gotta do


gabriella cilmi mission
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