Freya Ridings Castles

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CastlesFreya Ridings

حمل الموسيقى

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Freya Ridings - Castles تمت إضافتها إلى قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
Freya Ridings - Castles تمت إزالتها من قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
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مدة 03:32 البعد 3.25 Mb عدد التنزيلات 0 الآراء 191

Freya Ridings - Castles - مقطع فيديو

مدة 03:32 البعد 19.83 Mb نوع .mp4 عدد التنزيلات 0 الآراء 191


لم يتم تقديم أي تعليقات على الأغنية. قم بالتعليق الأول!

Freya Ridings Castles كلمات الاغنية

You left my love, you hit the target
You got that rush and then you walk out the door
You kept me small, it's what you wanted
I never noticed
You held my hand into the darkness
I didn't care, it made me just want you more
My god, your love, it seems so harmless
I never noticed
And I hate that you're gone
And I hate that I don't wanna let go
And I hate that you think that I'm weak
'Cause I don't wanna let you know
I'm gonna build castles
From the rubble of your love
From the rubble of your love
I'm gonna be more than
You ever thought I was
You ever thought I was (ooh)
Each time you left, there was a hunger
I felt so dead, I couldn't take anymore
Losing your love, it left me stronger
I never noticed
And I hate that you're gone
And I hate that I don't wanna let go
And I hate that you think that I'm weak
'Cause I don't wanna let you know
That I'm gonna build castles
From the rubble of your love
From the rubble of your love
I'm gonna be more than
You ever thought I was
You ever thought I was
That I'm gonna build castles
From the rubble of your love
From the rubble of your love
I'm gonna be more than
You ever thought I was
You ever thought I was, oh
From the rubble of your love
From the rubble of your love
I'm gonna be more than
You ever thought I was
You ever thought I was
That I'm gonna build castles
From the rubble of your love
From the rubble of your love
I'm gonna be more than
You ever thought I was
You ever thought I was
I'm gonna build castles
From the rubble of your love
From the rubble of your love
I'm gonna be stronger than
You ever thought I was
You ever thought I was


freya ridings castles
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