Dermot Kennedy Moments Passed

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Moments PassedDermot Kennedy

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Dermot Kennedy - Moments Passed تمت إضافتها إلى قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
Dermot Kennedy - Moments Passed تمت إزالتها من قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
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مدة 04:33 البعد 4.18 Mb عدد التنزيلات 0 الآراء 10


لم يتم تقديم أي تعليقات على الأغنية. قم بالتعليق الأول!

Dermot Kennedy Moments Passed كلمات الاغنية

Maybe it's all down to the thought of her
Maybe it's all down to the loss we learned
Knew for a long time, for all it's worth
I wanted to run to you
What if I'm caught up and it's me you're calling?
What if I'm lost now 'cause of demons comin'
When she kissed me, I felt a new freedom or something
Well, move on
I found a moment to be brave, so I let her know
And she said, "How could I love you back?
You who dropped your dreams in the gutter"
And in my winter, she'll be burning slow
Feels like December knows me well
'Cause I loved ya
Does that mean nothing to you now?
I loved ya
Get me back on homely ground
She said, "Oh, I know that love is all about the wind
How it can hold me up and kill me in the end"
Still I loved it
Does that mean nothing to you now?
Days when we all watched 'til we lost the birds
Threw a rose in 'til it caught the turn
Knew it felt right, we were bound to burn
I wanted to run to you
Maybe I've lost count of the rooms you're tall in
Maybe I've lost count of the nighttime all-ins
So the trees and her were first to know
It'll all be good, just hold me well
'Cause I loved ya
Does that mean nothing to you now?
I loved ya
Get me back on homely ground
She said, "Oh, I know that love is all about the wind
How it can hold me up and kill me in the end"
Still I loved it
Does that mean nothing to you now?
Wasn't easy to go, I know
You shouldn't have no seat in the front row
I know, I know
Wasn't easy to go, I know
And the sun came out, day late though
I know, I know
Wasn't easy to go, I know
He pulled up, flat tires, ten spokes
I know, I know
Wasn't easy to go, I know
He came all that way just to say, "Hello"
I know, I know
'Cause I loved ya
Does that mean nothing to you now?
'Cause I loved ya
Get me back on homely ground
She said, "Oh, I know that love is all about the wind
How it can hold me up and kill me in the end"
Still I loved it
Does that mean nothing to you now?


dermot kennedy moments passed
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