Charlotte Cardin Anyone Who Loves Me

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Anyone Who Loves MeCharlotte Cardin

حمل الموسيقى

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Charlotte Cardin - Anyone Who Loves Me تمت إضافتها إلى قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
Charlotte Cardin - Anyone Who Loves Me تمت إزالتها من قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
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مدة 04:36 البعد 4.23 Mb عدد التنزيلات 0 الآراء 90


لم يتم تقديم أي تعليقات على الأغنية. قم بالتعليق الأول!

Charlotte Cardin Anyone Who Loves Me كلمات الاغنية

I rest my case sophisticated
Reckless like I promised
And I had it, then I managed
And you talked me through it
Baby, do it
Well, you saved me
Then you made me rich and famous
Living legend, lies and games
I died in vain
Blowin' my own ashes in the wind
Tell me, what'd you want me to do?
I'll do it for you
I'll do it for anyone who loves me
Tell me, what'd you want me to be?
I'll do it for free
I'll do it for anyone who loves me
We're not your fancy dolls
You better set us free, or else we'll fuck you up
We'll fuck you up
We're not your fancy dolls
You better set us free, or else we'll fuck you up
We'll fuck you up
I rest my case
Domisticated bitches in Adidas
And I hired guns, I hired some
To fake it 'til I make it, baby
Well, you saved me
Then you made me rich and famous
Kiss and babies, lies and games
I died in vain
Blowin' my own ashes in the wind
Tell me, what'd you want me to do?
I'll do it for you
I'll do it for anyone who loves me
Tell me, what'd you want me to be?
I'll do it for free
I'll do it for anyone who loves me
We're not your fancy dolls
You better set us free, or else we'll fuck you up
We'll fuck you up
We're not your fancy dolls
You better set us free, or else we'll fuck you up
We'll fuck you up
Doesn't matter baby
'Cause the sky's is a lonely place to be
Ooh, it doesn't matter anyways
'Cause the sky is a lonely place
The sky is a lonely place
Tell me, what'd you want me to?
I'll do what you want me to
Tell me, what'd you want me to do?
I'll do it for you
I'll do it for anyone who loves me
Tell me, what'd you want me to be?
I'll do it for free
I'll do it for anyone who loves me
We're not your fancy dolls
You better set us free, or else we'll fuck you up
We'll fuck you up
We're not your fancy dolls
You better set us free, or else we'll fuck you up
We'll fuck you up
© 2024 للاتصالات جميع الموسيقى المنشورة على الموقع هي لأغراض ترويجية فقط. يمكنك استخدام وسائل الاتصال التالية لوضع الموسيقى على الموقع أو للتعبير عن تعليقاتك. يمكنك إضافة أغانيك المفضلة أو إنشاء قوائم التشغيل الخاصة بك من الأغاني التي تم تنزيلها بالفعل. من الممكن الاستماع وتحميل الأغنية دون تسجيل. لاستخدام وظائف معينة، تحتاج إلى التسجيل. التسجيل مجاني تماما.
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