BTS Butter (Cooler Remix)

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Butter (Cooler Remix)BTS

حمل الموسيقى

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BTS - Butter (Cooler Remix) تمت إضافتها إلى قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
BTS - Butter (Cooler Remix) تمت إزالتها من قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
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مدة 03:02 البعد 2.80 Mb عدد التنزيلات 0 الآراء 98


لم يتم تقديم أي تعليقات على الأغنية. قم بالتعليق الأول!

BTS Butter (Cooler Remix) كلمات الاغنية

Smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover
Gon' pop like trouble breaking into your heart like that (ooh)
Cool shade, stunner, yeah, I owe it all to my mother
Hot like summer, yeah, I'm making you sweat like that (break it down)
Ooh, when I look in the mirror
I'll melt your heart into two
I got that superstar glow, so
Ooh (do the boogie, like)
Side step, right-left, to my beat
High like the moon, rock with me, baby
Know that I got that heat
Let me show you 'cause talk is cheap
Side step, right-left, to my beat
Get it, let it roll
Smooth like butter, pull you in like no other
Don't need no Usher to remind me you got it bad
Ain't no other that can sweep you up like a robber
Straight up, I (got ya)
Making you fall like that (break it down)
Ooh, when I look in the mirror
I'll melt your heart into two
I got that superstar glow, so
Ooh (do the boogie, like)
Side step, right-left, to my beat
High like the moon, rock with me, baby
Know that I got that heat
Let me show you 'cause talk is cheap
Side step, right-left, to my beat
Get it, let it roll
Get it, let it roll


bts butter cooler remix
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