Benjamin Ingrosso One More Time

استمع عبر الإنترنت

One More TimeBenjamin Ingrosso

حمل الموسيقى

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Benjamin Ingrosso - One More Time تمت إضافتها إلى قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
Benjamin Ingrosso - One More Time تمت إزالتها من قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
قم بالتسجيل أو تسجيل الدخول للإضافة إلى قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة

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مدة 03:03 البعد 2.81 Mb عدد التنزيلات 0 الآراء 5


لم يتم تقديم أي تعليقات على الأغنية. قم بالتعليق الأول!

Benjamin Ingrosso One More Time كلمات الاغنية

It's the same old story
You're the gas and I'm the fire
No, it's just not healthy
Making you my one desire
See, not trying to love you is like trying to breathe under water
And I don't even know why I wanna believe that I can
No, there's millions of hearts in this world that'll come with this torture
So I still can't figure out why
I'm falling for you one more time
One more one more time
One more one more time
One more one more time
I'm falling for you one more time
Don't know how this started
But I know we sure (expire?)
'Cause it's just not healthy
Making you my one desire
See, not trying to love you is like trying to breathe under water
And I don't even know why I wanna believe that I can
No, there's millions of hearts in this world that'll come with this torture
Still I'm falling for you one more time
One more one more time
One more one more time
One more one more time
I'm falling for you one more time
See, not trying to love you is like trying to breathe under water
And I don't even know why I want to, it doesn't make sense
No, there's millions of hearts in this world that'll come with this torture
I'm falling for you one more time
One more one more time
One more one more time
One more one more time
(Oh, baby)
Still I'm falling for you one more time
(I'm falling for you now)
Still I'm falling for you one more time


benjamin ingrosso one more time
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