Arctic Monkeys Snap Out Of It

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Snap Out Of ItArctic Monkeys

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Arctic Monkeys - Snap Out Of It تمت إضافتها إلى قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
Arctic Monkeys - Snap Out Of It تمت إزالتها من قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
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مدة 04:07 البعد 3.79 Mb عدد التنزيلات 0 الآراء 90


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Arctic Monkeys Snap Out Of It كلمات الاغنية

Arctic Monkeys Snap Out Of It Sözleri

What's been happening in your world?
What have you been up to?
I heard that you fell in love
Or near enough
I gotta tell you the truth…

I wanna grab both your shoulders and shake baby
Snap out of it (Snap out of it)
I get the feeling I left it too late, but baby
Snap out of it (Snap out of it)
If that watch don't continue to swing or the fat lady fancies having a sing
I'll be here waiting ever so patiently for you to
Snap out of it

Forever isn't for everyone
Is forever for you?
It sounds like settling down or giving up
But it don't sound much like you girl

I wanna grab both your shoulders and shake baby Snap out of it (Snap out of it)
I get the feeling I left it too late, but baby
Snap out of it (Snap out of it)
If that watch don't continue to swing or the fat lady fancies having a sing
I'll be here waiting ever so patiently for you to
Snap out of it

Under a spell you're hypnotized
Darling how could you be so blind?
(Snap out of it)
Under a spell you're hypnotized
Darling how could you be so blind?

I wanna grab both your shoulders and shake baby
Snap out of it (Snap out of it)
I get the feeling I left it too late, but baby
Snap out of it (Snap out of it)
If that watch don't continue to swing or the fat lady fancies having a sing
I'll be here waiting ever so patiently for you to
Snap out of it


arctic monkeys snap out
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