Anna Naklab feat Alle Farben-Supergirl

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feat Alle Farben-SupergirlAnna Naklab

حمل الموسيقى

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Anna Naklab - feat Alle Farben-Supergirl تمت إضافتها إلى قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
Anna Naklab - feat Alle Farben-Supergirl تمت إزالتها من قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
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مدة 03:33 البعد 3.27 Mb عدد التنزيلات 0 الآراء 9



Anna Naklab feat Alle Farben-Supergirl كلمات الاغنية

You can tell by the way
She walks that she's my girl
You can tell by the way
She talks, she rules the world
You can see in her eyes
That no one is her chain
She's my girl
My supergirl
And then she'd say
It's okay
I got lost
On the way but I'm a supergirl
And supergirls don't cry
And then she'd say
It's alright
I got home
Late last night, but I'm a supergirl
And supergirls just fly
And then she'd say
It's alright
I got home
Late last night, but I'm a supergirl
And supergirls just fly
And then she'd say
That nothing can go wrong
When you're in love
What can go wrong?
Then she'd laugh
The night time into day
Pushing her fear
Further along
And then she'd say
It's okay
I got lost
On the way but I'm a supergirl
And supergirls don't cry
And then she'd shout
Down the line
Tell me she's got no more time
'Cause she's a supergirl
And supergirls don't hide
And then she'd scream
In my face
Tell me to leave, leave this place
'Cause she's a supergirl
And supergirls just fly
Yes, she's a supergirl
A supergirl
She's sewing seeds
She's burning trees
She's sewing seeds
She's burning trees
Yes, she's a supergirl
A supergirl
A supergirl
My supergirl

Anna Naklab أغاني أخرى

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