Accept Beat The Bastards

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Beat The BastardsAccept

حمل الموسيقى

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Accept - Beat The Bastards تمت إضافتها إلى قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
Accept - Beat The Bastards تمت إزالتها من قائمة الموسيقى المفضلة
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مدة 05:42 البعد 5.24 Mb عدد التنزيلات 0 الآراء 4



Accept Beat The Bastards كلمات الاغنية

Get up, get the hell on outta here
Cut the ropes that bind you
Stand up, straight into your fear
Leave the past behind you
Your cautious ways, have spawned your nothing
Life, is just an empty stage
Where do you go from here
Living, puts the words upon the page
Open to a new frontier
Your mundane life, is history
You'll seize the day, it's mystery
Cut the ripcord, don't look back
Burn the bridges down
Grab the handle, clench your fist
Beat the bastards down
Fire, there's fire in your heart
Flames of passion burn
Higher, raging from the start
And now there's no return
Go have your way, your fantasy
Embrace the day, it's destiny
Cut the ripcord, don't look back
Burn the bridges down
Grab the handle, clench your fist
Beat the bastards down
Cut the ripcord, no turning back
Bum the bridges down
Grab the handle, crack the whip
Beat the bastards down beat em' down
Cut the ripcord, don't look back
Burn the bridges down
Grab the handle, clench your fist
Beat the bastards down
Cut the ripcord, no turning back
Burn the bridges down
Grab the handle, crack the whip
Beat the bastards down
Beat em' down


accept beat the bastards
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