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Eminem - Curtain


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Eminem - Curtain mahnı sözləri

Lord please forgive me for what I do
For I know not what I've done

Father please forgive me for I know not what I do
I just never had the chance to ever meet you
Therefore I did not know that I would grow to be
My mother's evil seed and do these evil deeds

Momma had a baby and it's head popped off
(head popped off, head popped off, head popped off, head popped off, head popped off)
My momma don't want me, the next thing I know I'm gettin' dropped off
(gettin' dropped off, gettin' dropped off, gettin' dropped off, gettin' dropped off)
Ring ring ring, on the door bell and the next door neighbors on their front porch
(their front porch, their front porch, their front porch, their front porch)
But they didn't want me neither so they left me on someone elses lawn
(elses lawn, elses lawn, elses lawn)
Till somebody finally took me in, my great aunt, uncle Edna 'n Charles
(Edna 'n Charles, Edna 'n Charles, Edna 'n Charles, Edna 'n Charles)
They were the ones who were left in charge
My elementary they gang up on me and sang this song
(sang this song, sang this song, sang this song, sang this song)

It went a little something like mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb
Debbie had a Satan spawn, Satan spawn
Momma why do they keep saying this I just dont understand, understand
And by the way, where's my dad?

Father please forgive me for I know not what I do
I just never had the chance to ever meet you
Therefore I did not know that I would grow to be
My mother's evil seed and do these evil deeds

Predominantly, predominantly, everythings always predominantly
Predominantly white, predominantly black
But what about me, where does that leave me
Well I guess that I'm between predominantly both of 'em
I think if I hear that fuckin' word again I'm ma scream
While I'm projectile vomiting, what do I look like, a comedian to you?
Do you think that I'm kidding?
What do I look like some kind of idi-wait a minute, shit, don't answer that
Why am I so misunderstood?
Why do I go through so much bullshit, it sucks bullshit,



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