Giriş Qeydiyyat
DJ Snake - feat Lauv-A Different Way

feat Lauv-A Different Way

İstifadəçi reytinqi: 0 | 5 Ses verən: 1
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Ölçü: 3.68 Mb Yükləmələr: 2 Baxışlar: 33 Bitrate: 320 kHz


DJ Snake - feat Lauv-A Different Way mahnı sözləri

Could you believe I could be different?
I'll be the difference, I'll lift you high
And I understand your hesitation
Our reputation, it's no surprise
So let me redefine you
And you can see the tide move
Just like tears in the eyes do
And when you're feeling alone
Oh, baby, I'll be right here
Between the sea and silence
So breathe easy my dear
You can find sunshine in the rain
I will come running when you call my name
Even a broken heart can beat again
Forget about the one who caused you pain
I swear I'll love you in a different way
I know that love is so unforgiving
You've been a victim too many times
And I'll be the thread, hold you together
I'll be forever, will you be mine?
So let me redefine you
And you can see the tide move
Just like tears in the eyes do
And when you're feeling alone
Oh, baby, I'll be right here
Between the sea and silence
So breathe easy my dear
You can find sunshine in the rain



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