Giriş Qeydiyyat
G.R.E.Y. - Criminal


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G.R.E.Y. - Criminal mahnı sözləri

I miss her hungry eyes
Out for love, out for blood
When she come aliveShe got a snake for a tongue
I crave her every night
Feel the fire and the touch
And I can't get enough

Blurring my vision
No competition
She don't even know what she does
Let her do whatever she want to me
Love is so vicious
Don't need a witness
She don't even know what she does
Let her do whatever she want

She's so damn criminal
Swear she got a record for
Being sick and beautiful
Kiss me while she cut my throat
Crimson hair, she having fun
Kill'em off like one by one
Face down before you know
She's so damn criminal, criminal

Smile, face sweet
Vodka cranberry and lime
Way she look at me
I regret it every time
Her lips are heavenly
Walk me through hell and back
But I can't seem to change my mind

Blurring my vision
No competition
She don't even know what she does
Let her do whatever she want

She's so damn criminal
Swear she got a record for
Being sick and beautiful
Kiss me while she cut my throat
Crimson hair, she having fun
Kill'em off like one by one
Face down before you know
She's so damn criminal, criminal

She's so damn criminal
Swear she got a record for
Being sick and beautiful
Kiss me while she cut my throat
Crimson hair, she having fun
Kill'em off like one by one
Face down before you know
She's so damn criminal



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