Giriş Qeydiyyat
BTS - Filter


İstifadəçi reytinqi: 0 | 5 Ses verən: 1
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Ölçü: 2.80 Mb Yükləmələr: 2 Baxışlar: 65 Bitrate: 320 kHz


BTS - Filter mahnı sözləri

That uninterested face of yours, the bored tip of your toes
Please, look at me now
Put your phone down, don't even think of turning your head away
Let me know your type
You can pick and choose me, yeah

Oh I cover your eyes with my hands
Oh get closer to the secret
I'll take you to a whole new world
Yeah, open your eyes now, go!

Mix the colors in the pallete, pick your filter
Which me do you want?
The one to change your world, I'm your filter
Overlay me in your heart

(OK) Can you feel it now? Is it still not enough?
(Yes) Girl, you have your chance
I can be your Genie
How ‘bout Aladdin?
I'll be anything
You can pick and choose me, yeah

Oh I will embrace you like in your dreams
Oh it's a covert spec
For you, everyday I'll be new
It's not fun for something to stay the same all the time

Mix the colors in the pallete, pick your filter
Which me do you want?
To change your world, I'm your filter
Overlay me in your heart

Look at me who has suddenly turned into a child
The more I look, the crazier I get on how cute it is
Overcoming different tastes and standards
You'll be wanting only me
Yeah because you are the one who made me

I'm a brand new filter that you've never seen before
Leave you to me
To see more thrilling things, pick your filter
Contain only me

Na na na na na na na na na
Pick your filter, contain only me
Na na na na na na na na na
I’m your filter, leave you to me

It'll be a new us
Ay, overlay me in your heart



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