Giriş Qeydiyyat
Wale - The Matrimony

The Matrimony

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Ölçü: 3.93 Mb Yükləmələr: 0 Baxışlar: 67 Bitrate: 320 kHz


Wale - The Matrimony mahnı sözləri

Couldn't make you wait forever, for forever
This is forever
I gotchu
If there's a question of my heart, you've got it
It don't belong to anyone but you
If there's a question of my love, you've got it
Baby don't worry, I've got plans for you
Baby, I've been making plans, oh love
Baby, I've been making plans for you
Baby, I've been making plans
Baby, I've been making plans for you
I'll admit it, all be it pathetic
That I'm in my late 20s still never been to a wedding
Guess the idea of that lobby empty, do not sit with me well
It's not your fault they try get me, cause I'ma need the sales
Cause I'm selfish, and I need you to myself
Tryna see you afloat but don't wanna see you on sale
Cause I failed and see you bout to cry
Cause when I enter they city they leave…



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